Articles on: The Basics

How to create your project

From our website SMASH you can access our beta platform which will take you to the sign up page. If you are a content creator please follow the below:

Content creator sign up page

Once you've signed in, you can start building your pitch.

Registration page

After the registration you can start building your Pitch Presentation using our Pitch Builder which will take you through various sections.

Only fill in the relevant sections for your project however the more information you include the better it is for decision-makers.

Please note this is optimised for short and feature films - other templates with additional design to follow very soon - however meanwhile feel free to use this.

Start building your pitch

This gives you an overview of the Pitch Builder and information you will need from your log line to your creative team to your cast (if it's a fiction) to your budget and finance plan.

Feel free to chose a template: currently it's dark or light but more to follow very soon!

Please note if you request a feature film sales estimates in addition to all the sections you will also need to add a Sales and distribution document you can upload in the additional document section.

The Pitch Builder overview

Let's start at the beginning. You can upload an image for your poster. Currently the title will appear automatically but we are working on making it optional so you can upload your poster.

Your cover page

Here's an overview of the basic information of your project.
The log line: Ensure your log line is the best it possibly can: every word counts!
Project tags: choose 10 tags that describe your project the best that is in additional to what you have already used. What are you looking for?
Project status: add any awards, nominations, labs or industry programmes or anything that makes your project stand out.

Basic information overview

Currently the Pitch Builder is optimised for feature films but can be used for short, docs etc.

Chose your format

if you have a mixed genre chose the dominant genre in the dropdown menu and add the other one in the tag box.

Chose your genre

if it's other please use the tag box.

Chose your setting

Projects can be at any stages from idea to completed. Make sure you add in the tag what you are looking for.

At what stage is your project?

You can add as many team members as you have on board.

Your creative team

You can add as many cast members as you want with their status. If it's a documentary or you have no cast yet you can ignore it. It wont be included in your snapshot.

Your cast members

Decision-makers will read those to understand your project so make sure it is as accurate as possible. If you have videos explaining your project mention it here and upload in the Project Video section.

Synopsis and creative vision

This is your moodboard where you can upload your own photos or access high resolution non-watermarked photos thanks to our unique partnership with Getty Images Easy Access. Please note there is a 48hr (working days) turn around for the Getty Images registration.


You can upload your teaser, trailers, pitch videos, moodreel or anything that complements your project.

Your videos: teasers, trailers etc

To help decision-makers understand more about your project, this is where you can add other similar project ie comparable films, books, TV series etc.


This is how your project will be finance. if you don't know you can leave it blank.

Finance plan

This is an outline budget. If you don't know you can leave it blank but an idea of a ballpark budget is always helpful. If you have a ballpark idea just write one number in the production line.

Outline budget

If you are requesting feature film sales estimates you will need to fill in all of the sections AND upload in the document section a Sales & Distribution Strategy.
This is a paying feature - for an introductory price please email us!

Sales Estimates are a set of figures for available territories based on the budget of the film with reference to the genre, director, leading cast and production team. They are not guaranteed figures but best estimates for all rights deals, subject to changes in the market.

Feature film sales estimates

Get your Feature Film Sales Estimates from our team of professional sales agents. Follow the instructions to submit your project snapshot![Sales estimates snapshot]

You can upload any additional documents (pitch doc, letter of intent etc).

Additional docs

Once you are happy with your pitch you are READY to share it! You can now press the share button!

Please note on the top left the SMASH registration number: this number is unique and is part of the SMASH Pitch Protector. Currently you can create a snapshot which is a your pitch you have just build and share it. Ultimately you will also be able to track it. This feature is to follow soon.

Snapshot & Pitch Projector

You can add a description or a note should you wish. Each snapshot will generate a unique code.

Every time you make a change please remember to create a new snapshot before you share it. Your pitch is logged onto the SMASH database.

Snapshot creation

We are early stages so any feedback please do feel free to share with us on

Updated on: 25/05/2021

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