Articles on: Getty Images X SMASH

All about the Getty Images x SMASH partnership

Getty Images x SMASH

Getty Images is offering all SMASH Pro accounts usage of content from the world’s largest collection of photos and video for pitching purposes.

You can download high-resolution non-watermarked clips from the BBC, NBC, Discovery, ITN and more to make your sizzle come to life. Choose from over 280 million editorial, archival and creative stills to create powerful mood boards and to make your treatments sing!

Get started

Log in to SMASH or create a new account if you don't have one. Upgrade to SMASH Pro, and you will receive instructions on how to join the Getty programme.
You will be contacted by Getty Images, and asked to agree to the terms of the programme
Once agreed, you will be supplied with a special Getty Images x SMASH account
Back in your Project, log in with your new Getty Images x SMASH account and take your project to the next level!

Please note

Usage of the Getty Library is free only for pitching purposes; please refer to the full terms included in the email you’ll receive when signing up
To enjoy this offer, you must log in to Getty Images with your special Getty Images x SMASH account
At the moment, you can only add photos to your project; videos are coming soon!

For more information

Licensing Content from Getty Images:  Once your project is greenlit you can start exploring Getty’s library even further with access to an even wider range of collections including the offline BBC and NBC catalogues for which free research is available.  Here's a list of their premium collection partners which span all genres from News to Natural History, Science to Sport. Please contact your SMASH account manager to discuss these collections and Getty’s license fees.
Please see Getty’s License Agreement for more information and for any queries surrounding releases please read the attached and feel free to reach out to our Rights and Clearance team.
Questions? Contact us at !

Updated on: 22/11/2024

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